
Currently | Freckled Italian

Thinking about how much I've been enjoying barre this month. I wrote a little about my first month at the beginning of April, but now that I'm almost done with two months, I have so many more thoughts about the whole thing. I'm mostly surprised by 1. how much I love it; 2. how much better at it I'm becoming; and 3. how quickly I'm becoming more flexible every class. I've always been an active person but in the past year or so I've gotten really out of practice, so it's nice to have something physically challenging in my life again--and one that I actually look forward to daily!

Listening to lots of The Lively Show and quite a bit of Jack's Mannequin. I had the pleasure of meeting Jess Lively at Alt Summit this year and I'm so happy to have her podcast in my life. It's really been great for me over the past few weeks. And who doesn't love Andrew McMahon's music?

Watching the newest season of Game of Thrones. These past few episodes have been so good! I've also read that there may only be a couple more seasons, which I actually think is perfect. I'd love to read the books but I really want to treat the show and the novels like two completely different things. It's hard to stay away from them when the seasons are over, though!

Drinking coconut La Croix. It tastes like vacation!

Looking forward to Memorial Day weekend in South Carolina with some friends. We haven't been to the beach since last year (although I did go to Dewey Beach in August for a bachelorette party), and Rob and I are really looking forward to that. And it'll be so great to spend some time with my friend Tina, who I hardly ever get to see.

Loving spring in Charlotte. Rob and I have been walking Ender along the lightrail almost every night and it is so nice. We're also starting to run into people we know from our neighborhood which just makes this city feel so homey. It's been really great the past few months.


What have you been up to these days? I want to know! Happy Monday!