Chimichurri on Grilled Steak

This post is sponsored by La Crema.

I'm a pretty huge fan of garlic, so it's no surprise that chimichurri is one of my all-time favorite sauces. I had never made it myself until a few years ago after a trip to Miami with Rob where we had the absolute best steak on a muggy vacation date night.

Today is National Wine Day, so obviously I had to share a recipe that pairs super well with one of my favorite wines--La Crema's Montery Pinot Noir. Grilled steak is one my favorite meals, but I almost always forget to whip up a delicious fresh sauce to serve it with, which is why chimichurri is the best--it's only a few ingredients and comes together super quick. You can even make it ahead of time and let it come to room temp before serving.



  • 1 tablespoon dried oregano

  • 1/4 cup hot water

  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

  • 1/2 cup minced fresh cilantro

  • 1/4 cup minced fresh flat-leaf parsley

  • 2 garlic cloves, peeled

  • 1/4 cup red wine vinegar

  • 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil


  1. In a small bowl, combine hot water and oregano. Stir and allow the oregano to soften slightly.

  2. In a food processor, pulse together cilantro and parsley until well combined. Add garlic, red wine vinegar, and oregano/water mixture. Add salt and continue to pulse as you add the olive oil. Leave out at room temperature until ready to serve or refrigerate and remove with enough time to allow to come back to room temperature.

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Reader Favorites: Greener Cleaning Products

The other day I mentioned on Instagram Stories that I was trying to swap out some of my conventional cleaning products for ones that were a little greener--I was cleaning our master bathroom and about to put Sophie down for a nap (she sleeps in our bedroom still) and I was suddenly very aware of how chemical-y and harsh the spray I was using smelled.

As usual, I asked you guys for your favorite products and I got a ton of great recommendations! A lot of you asked me to share them, and since I haven't been able to try them all out yet I thought I might as well go ahead and share the ones that came up most often so you could also get started on finding some better brands, if you're interested.

You can click through the widget above, but here are the links as well:

What are some of your favorite, more natural cleaning products for your home? I'm not trying to make my own or go 100% natural (whatever that means!), but I am really interested in cutting down on some of the more toxic ingredients in my cleaning products (and hair and makeup products as well, but that's another post) now that Sophie is starting to crawl around and put everything in her mouth! I'd love to hear what you use, so let me know!

This post contains affiliate links.

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Some Things You May Not Know About Me v.13

I'm pretty bad at keeping a secret--if you tell me a secret I'll keep it for you, but if I buy you a gift or plan something as a surprise I'll almost always tell you about it before it happens because I get too excited about it.

We get In N Out for dinner every Sunday night and it's become one of my favorite family traditions. Rob goes to get it while I'm putting Sophie down and then we eat at the coffee table and watch whatever show it is we're currently binging (right now it's Modern Family). My order is a 3x2 protein style with grilled onions and chilis. I look forward to it every week.

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I want to get rid of 98% of my clothes and just start over. For the past few years I've been getting rid of stuff but I haven't been super great about replacing them, so now I have a bunch of stuff that's either super old or doesn't fit. I hate spending money on clothes but I think a pretty major shopping spree is in my future.

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I can't stop listening to Johnathan Van Ness' podcast. ANYONE ELSE?

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