Posts in "STYMNKAM"
Some Things You May Not Know About Me v.6

I used to teach at least one class a month to over 20 students at a time and still got nervous before each one. 

Apparently I have tiny veins and have had IVs and blood draws from super gross places like the side of my wrist or the back of my hand. Not great. I also bruise like a peach.

I love Ender so much that sometimes I cry about it.

I want a whole lot more tattoos. Not sure if I'll get them, but I want 'em.

A weird pet peeve of mine is when people use "healthy" to describe food. What does that mean? Low fat? Low carb? Organic? Meatless? Vegan? Everyone is so different that it's hard to slap a "healthy" label on almost anything (maybe not veggies, but who knows).

I'm absolutely obsessed with this presidential election on so many levels. How did we got here, and how Trump can be so attractive to so many? The feminist in me is furious. And yet, the side of me who occasionally watches The Bachelorette is looking forward to the next debate with an enthusiasm usually reserved for trashy reality TV. Sometimes I laugh (really hard), and sometimes I want to cry. I usually keep my candidates to myself, but this time I want you to know that #ImWithHer.


What are some things I may not know about you?

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Some Things You May Not Know About Me v.5

It can take me half a day to finish a cup of coffee, especially an iced one. 

I used to be absolutely terrified to stay in the apartment or house alone, but now that I've been doing it for two months I don't mind it and sometimes actually like it.

I can eat almost anything for breakfast--it doesn't have to be breakfast-y. I regularly eat soup for breakfast and sometimes I'll even have a salad.

I don't really like wearing shorts that much. Or skirts--they have to be pretty perfect, which for me means it has a high waist (both) and is long enough (skirts). I'm excited that jean season is upon us!

Ender and I regularly share snacks--an apple, cucumber slices, a banana. I don't know why I love it so much but he is so cute sitting on the couch next to me waiting politely for a piece of whatever fruit or veggie I'm eating.

I go back and forth between wanting to travel the world and feeling content to stay in one place. I guess I'm equal parts adventurous and boring/scared.

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Some Things You May Not Know About Me v.4

I am absolutely obsessed with rowing since joining my new gym and I'm totally looking in to joining a rowing club at some point so I can try it out on the water sometime.  

I'm usually home all day but never charge my phone. Anytime Rob is around he always has to remind me to plug it in.

I've been rewatching lots of Friends episodes lately and I think Phoebe is my favorite.

I have an appointment at my hair salon today to go even lighter and I am so excited about it. Also in December I chopped 5-6 inches off and immediately regretted it, even though my hair was super long. For the longest time I was going darker and darker, but it's been fun to experiment a bit this past year or so.

I know every word to the song "Miami" by Will Smith. It's embarrassing.

I've gotten rid of approximately one big bag of clothes every month for at least the past year and I still have more things in my closet than I know what to do with. 

What are some things I might not know about you?

Photo by Virginia Ashley Photography.

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