Some Things I Believe Right Now (#21)

Some Things I Believe Right Now | Freckled Italian

Right now, I believe…

that if you think of something nice to say to someone, you should tell them.

that “self care” lately has felt a little more like survival mode. It’s not okay, but it’s not forever.

in quietly sitting by the fire with a cup of coffee in the morning, even if you have to get up at 6:00 AM to do it.

that if things aren’t working, eventually you need to find a way to change them. Life is too short to be exhausted and overwhelmed 100% of the time.

that berry TUMS are way better than the assorted fruit ones.

that almost a year into this new normal, we are so close to regaining some semblance of our old lives back. We can’t give up yet.

that love is still the most important thing.