Friday Favorites (29)

Happy Friday! It's a holiday weekend, my birthday is on Wednesday, and tomorrow Rob and I are going to the Minnesota State Fair to pet sheep and eat everything in sight.

I have a list of links for you this weekend! Hope you enjoy.

Blogs and Things
I'm in love with Kelly Ann's new online space. And I love seeing Cave Girl on her Design page!
Just a few more days to advertise on Freckled Italian for 75% off (and enter to win some free ad space).
My soon-to-be mother-in-law went to Africa and took some awesome photos. I can't wait to see the rest!
Don't forget to enter to win this beautiful tote from the Moorea Seal shop!
Julia Child's My Life in France (pictured above) is just delicious.

Cute Things
This dress is so sweet.
I need a pair of big, chunky platforms like these.
Love these photos from Allison's wedding. Happy anniversary, you guys!
Just look at Tara's kitties! They're so pretty.

Culture and Society
Interesting piece on  polyamorous relationships.
This made me so sad. I can't imagine! People can be too mean.
Oxford English Dictionary Officially Updates Marriage Definition to Include Same-Sex Couples. That's right!
Sex Drive-In Opens for Business in Switzerland. I actually think this is fabulous.
11 Untranslatable Words From Other Cultures.

Food and Health
Yikes! 59% of the "Tuna" Americans Eat Is Not Tuna.
What Happens to the Brain When You Meditate. Rob and I want to try to make meditation a thing we do.
Coming Out of Whole30. I thought this had some really great tips. I've never done a Whole30 but I know people often struggle with making lasting changes once they've finished.

Other Stuff
25 Things That Get Harder After 25. Yes to all of these, already.
The most beautiful comic."To invent your own life's meaning is not easy, but it's still allowed, and I think you'll be happier for the trouble."
Sponsored: I've been working with Ice Mountain® over the past couple of weeks.  Check out their Facebook page here. It's been fun! Thanks for your support when I work with sponsors--it means a lot to me.

What are you up to this weekend? Anyone else headed to the State Fair tomorrow?