Friday Favorites (16)

Well, we're almost a week into the longer-distance thing. I realize that I've sort of talked about it every day this week, but it's also sort of been on my mind this week, so I hope you'll bear with me for a few more days. I think the weekend will be a little strange, but I've got a list of things to do that I think will keep me occupied. 

As much as I miss Rob already, I'm trying to really make the most of this time: I've been running regularly again, going to bed early, reading, writing, and just doing lots of things that I wasn't doing very much of in the past weeks. It doesn't really make sense to me yet, since Rob was in no way hindering my productivity (I mean, we were still four hours away even when he was in Virginia); but in a way, being a little more on my own has inspired me to be a little more productive with my time. 

I don't know if it's going to stick, but I'd like to take advantage of the distance and create some good habits for the long run.

And I just have to say thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart, for all of your well-wishes and support regarding Rob's move and the distance between us. It's a pretty amazing thing to feel such love from so many people, most of whom I've never even met. Thank you.

[My mom and I took Rocky to our favorite park last weekend. I think I'll go again tomorrow.]

I have lots of links for you this Friday! I like doing these posts every two weeks instead of one, but then I end up bookmarking way too many things. I actually had to organize these so I didn't just throw a bunch of stuff at you:

Loved this: Gluten-Free, Whether You Need It or Not.
I can't wait to make this soup. My goodness.

You can take an additional 20% off of all sale items at Jigsaw London until Wednesday with the code FreckledItalian7596.
I want to wear this dress everywhere.
I am still loving everything about Everlane and I want every single thing in their shop.

Emily at Anna Delores takes some of the most gorgeous photos. I wish I lived closer so we could have a session!
I've been having so much fun watching real-time analytics of my blog with GoSquared.
Kristin has an awesome feature called "For the Love of a Linguaphile" and I love it, but this post was definitely my favorite one so far.

I think Instagram-recaps are such a fun way to get a glimpse into bloggers' lives, and Kayla's made me smile.
My friends Matt and Tony have three pugs, and Tony started an Instagram feed for them. It's awesome, and you should probably follow them here.

Good Reads
It gave me so much hope to read about Megan Phelps-Roper leaving the Westboro Baptist Church.
Another interesting, hopeful read: My Coming Out as a Friend of Dan Cathy and Chick-fil-A.
Silent reading isn't so silent--at least not to your brain.

Chris Brown "Deserves Respect," Says Chris Brown: what a joke!
Saw this on The Rumpus and laughed out loud: Shakespeare quotes that sound like 1990s hip-hop lyrics.
Don't worry so much, Bunny Foo Foo.

Enter to Win
And finally, some giveaways I'm in on: this one and that one.


Have a wonderful weekend! My brother is home and I'm really looking forward to relaxing around the house for a few days.
Feel free to leave me some links you love in the comments!