Slow Summer Weekend

This weekend was full and relaxing in one of those good for the soul, refreshing ways.
It was muggy and it rained and then it was sunny again, and it really felt like a good, slow summer weekend.

Peaches in the kitchen--they get bruised and soft so fast but taste like heaven either way.

I slept in a bit, drank my coffee slowly, and didn't leave the house but once. I caught up on blogs, got a few pages of Les Miserables read, painted my nails, washed my hair, finished editing an essay, and wrote up a little something for a few friends. Rob and I took Rocky for a walk and came home to give him a bath, which is always a struggle but always so darn cute. We finished Game of Thrones, opening up some room for us to catch up on True Blood. Life's not too bad.

How was your weekend? Here's to another week!