If You Hear Any Noise, It Ain't the Boys

[The taste of summer: a spinach and berry salad, taken May 2012.]

My lovely friends JennaMelissa, and Whitney are just an hour away, and when they get here, we are going to have this amazing weekend that we have been planning for months! We'll be at the lake until Sunday, and then we're swinging by Para in Charlottesville for some of those pistachio milk lattes that I can't stop talking about on our way to Blogger Blitz DC!

Lots of cocktails, good food, pool and lake time are on the itinerary, as well as a tour around all my favorite Roanoke spots. I feel like they're all some college boyfriend coming to meet my family for the first time--I'm so excited to introduce them to everyone and show them around!

Talk to you later! Anyone else going to be at Blogger Blitz on Sunday?