My Word/Mantra/Resolution for 2017


How odd, to see those numbers grouped together and know that it's starting tomorrow. I can't believe we're here already. This year flew by, and I know everyone says that, but it's surreal to think that just three months ago, we were living in Charlotte. Now we have a new home, a new coast of the country to explore, and we're staring at the blank slate of a new year, wondering what we'll do with it.

I'm not always great with New Year's Resolutions--they start out with the best intentions (and usually they have a clear focus), but they end up looking like a To-Do list from any other day. Drink water or exercise more turns into keep the house clean and then suddenly I'm adding fold the laundry as I call Rob and ask him to bring some dinner home.

But it feels wrong to me to start a new year without some type of resolution. So, like a lot of others, I sometimes like to choose a word to focus on these next twelve months. It's easier to give yourself a little room--to apply a word or thought to everything you do instead of coming up with specific goals. And this year, for me, it's simple...literally. I woke up yesterday with the word so clearly in my mouth before my eyes even opened.


I have recently found myself longing to simplify my life in every way I can. For so long I've been looking for balance in my life, but even the steadiest balance can topple over at any moment. I want my life to be easy to manage. I'm so enamored with the idea of minimalism, but even as I get rid of things I want more--more room in my kitchen, more money in my bank account, more black sweaters in my closet. Rob and I have switched gears so much that, even though we've made it this far with quite a bit of success, sometimes I feel like I just grabbed everything I could carry and ran with it, whether I really needed it or not.

It's easy to forget your intentions when you bite off more than you can chew to get to them.

So in 2017, you'll find me focusing on the things I really need, and reevaluating the things I thought I had to have. I mean this in more ways than just getting rid of clutter--I want these next 365 days to be intentional in every way. My career, my health and fitness, my daily routines, my goals for the future--I'm ready to take a step back and find a way to make it all work for me, instead of the other way around. Even (and especially) if it means simplifying things.

Happy New Year, friends--I hope 2017 brings you everything you need.

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A Charlotte Baby Shower

We got back from North Carolina this afternoon, but before too much time passes I wanted to share a few snapshots of my friend Paige's baby shower that I helped co-host in Charlotte last month. It was my first trip back since we made the move out west and it was so fun to have my girlfriends together to celebrate Paige's sweet baby boy, who will be making his debut in February!

My friends at Minted were kind enough to supply the invitations for us, and Paige picked out this gorgeous watercolor wreath design that ended up matching her baby shower flower crown perfectly. I love a good flower crown as much as the next girl, but I have seriously never seen anyone pull one off quite as beautifully as Paige did.

It's really good to be home after a long stay for the holidays, but I'm pretty excited to plan a spring visit to kiss that baby! We love you, Paige; and I can't wait to meet you, Baby G!

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Home for the Holidays

Rob and I are off to the East Coast for ten days this morning--we land in Charlotte later this evening and are actually spending a couple of days in Roanoke before heading back to Charlotte for Christmas. 

It's our first long trip back since we moved to California, and the first time we've ever left Ender in California without us, so I'm feeling all kinds of different things this morning. But I'm looking forward to being back in Charlotte--going to our favorite coffee shops, seeing our friends, hanging out with our family, and being on the same time zone as the majority of people we know.

I'm wrapping up a big cookbook deadline before Christmas and don't have very much blog content planned for the rest of the year, so this is one of the last few posts you'll see from me in 2016. I want to spend these next two weeks really being present and soaking up our time in North Carolina and Virginia.

You can still find me on Instagram and Snapchat (username is flynnmd), where I always post daily, regardless of what's on the blog. Thank you all so much for following along this year--I'm wishing each you the happiest of holidays, wherever you are.

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