Friday Favorites (87)

It has literally been almost a year since I last shared a Friday Favorites post so I thought why not? I’m trying really hard not to make everything in my life right now “pandemic” edition but also everything in my life right now feels like it’s Pandemic Edition, capitalized.

  • My friend Daci’s newsletter, Screentime & Despair, is hilarious and it makes me feel like we’re sitting at Spyhouse in Minneapolis together on a spring day, drinking lavender lattes at the window.

  • Sourdough toast, especially with avocado. I know it’s basic but I love it with a bunch of toppings for a quick and easy breakfast. I’m tempted to try to make my own sourdough but it seems like a hobby I may not exactly have the time or patience for. Maybe we’ll revisit that idea if we’re still at home in June.

  • I’ve been really enjoying this candle that I bought in San Francisco over the winter. If you’re local and there’s not a pandemic, you can buy a candle from her and bring the jar back to have it refilled for half price. I might just order a couple more since she’s obviously closed right now (and shipping is free over $25).

  • Still fully digging my Equilibria CBD oil. I’m also really excited to receive my Mother’s Day gift box soon! (Affiliate links)

  • It’s been really fun for me to watch brands pivot to make sheltering in place work better for everyone, and as usual my favorite is Bon Appétit. Their Test Kitchen Talks @ Home make me kind of weepy in the best way—I love seeing everyone in their own kitchen with their spouses or kids running around in the background. What can I say, I’m a fangirl.

What’s getting you through the day lately? I hope you’re all staying safe and healthy at home! It’s kind of overwhelming not knowing when this is all going to end, but knowing everyone is in it together has been a source of comfort for me most of the time.