My Word for 2020: Grow

It’s been a really wonderful year.

In a lot of ways, I have felt unstable and overwhelmed, but I found ways to ground myself, to keep breathing, to keep working, to trust, to settle down and find stability around me and within me. We traveled a lot, then stayed put for the holidays and took a much-needed rest. I got back in the studio and started teaching again, but haven’t yet found the time for consistent writing, blogging, and food photography, which are ever-present on my list of goals and getting a little tired of being ignored.

I kept the house clean, read a few books, started working out regularly, went to bed earlier, woke up earlier, found time for myself, got the dog enough exercise, and watched our daughter grow and learn more than ever.

So now that I feel like my feet are more firmly planted on the ground than they have been in a while, I’ve decided to focus on a new word for a new year:


Out of my comfort zone, into new skills, new experiences. To grow as a person, as a mom, as a wife and friend, as myself. To stop saying no to things I want or things that would be good for me because I’m afraid it will disrupt my peaceful little bubble. (Honestly learning about my enneagram type has opened my eyes to why I do some of the things that I do and it’s been pretty amazing.) I want to learn to extend myself without feeling stretched too thin. To bend and not break.

2020 has such a nice ring to it—I’m excited to make the most of it.