Our First Family Photos

On Tuesday night we got home from a 10 day trip to Virginia and North Carolina--it was so much fun seeing our East Coast friends and family and introducing Sophie to so many people who hadn't met her yet. I left with my heart feeling so full, but now that we're home we're all a little under the weather (Sophie started cutting her first two teeth the day before the flight, which made for an interesting trip).

I haven't been sick in a long time (other than getting mastitis last winter), and it's such a challenge when you're also trying to take care of a fussy baby. Luckily Rob took more paternity leave at the beginning of May and is still home for one more week. I can't even begin to explain how lucky we are to have so much time with him at home, away from work.

While we were in Richmond, we met up with our wedding photographer (who also shot our maternity photos in September) for some family photos with Sophie. We never did a newborn shoot or anything so I'm super happy to have these sweet photos of her at six months. 

I'm sharing some of my favorites in this blog post--I can't wait to print some and frame them or maybe get a big canvas for the nursery. And one day I hope to get some photos of all four of us, including Ender. 

For now I'll just be snuggling my sweet family and trying to sneak in a few naps until I'm feeling better. Happy Friday, friends.

PS This is my jumpsuit (affiliate link) and I absolutely love it..