An Unintentional Blog Break

Maybe it's allergies (I've never had them before but suddenly I think I do), or just good old-fashioned overwhelm, but I've been feeling out of sorts these past week or so and as a result, I've been pretty absent on this blog.

I just wanted to pop in this morning and say that I'm sorry for that, but I'll be back to regular posting again soon. You can always follow along with me on Instagram, as there's rarely a day that I don't post something there.

Rob is visiting friends in Connecticuit, so Ender and I decided to visit Roanoke for the weekend--yesterday I got my hair colored and went to barre with my mom and best friends Emma and Raquel, which was so fun because I hardly ever have two of my girlfriends in the same place at the same time. Today I'm shooting some really fun projects for upcoming La Crema posts, and tomorrow I'm spending time with my friend Erica and her sweet family--her kids are our godchildren!

Anyway, I hope you're are having a great weekend. Just wanted to say hi, and that I'll be back again soon.