Road Trips and Girls Weekends

When I was a junior in college, a boy broke up with me and my roommates piled me into a car with them and drove to Richmond together for the weekend. It was October or maybe November, and we all had scarves and big sunglasses. We ate Thai food and walked around Carytown and I bought a dress that I still wear sometimes today. 

For some reason, I thought about that trip a lot on my drive from Charlotte to Richmond for Tina's bachelorette party last week. I thought about the past, the present, and the road ahead. Where I've been; where I'm going. At the time I was so sad but I look back at that weekend as such a fun time with my friends that was much-needed in so many ways.

This week we went to Dewey Beach on Wednesday and drank for free and ate french fries every day and decked Tina out in a little veil and a bachelorette sash before going to see the best 90s cover band. On Sunday we rode home and slept in the backseat before getting back to Richmond where, as usual, we ate Thai food and walked around Carytown.

Some days it feels like everything is the same but most days I can't believe how far we've all come. It's so nice to know that through every season of life, there are friends here and there who feel like family.