Real-Time Thankfulness

This is not a scheduled post. I didn't write this last night, then go to bed embarrassingly early, and I have not already been at work for an hour. I am actually sitting here at my computer, and I am typing, and when I finish typing, I will publish this post, and then I will still be here, in my apartment, next to my computer.

It might not seem like much, but after nine months of being at work before the sun comes up, it feels unreal to be spending a morning at home. Last night, I ground some coffee beans and set up my French Press for cold-brewed coffee in the morning. It rained all night and this morning, it looks pretty hazy out there. No matter how pretty and clear a perfect spring or summer day might be, there is something I love about sitting with coffee when it's rainy and cold outside.

My mom and brother are coming this morning with a truck to help me pack up some of our large furniture--the physically demanding part of moving. As much as I dread taking apart the dressers and night stands and finally clearing off this table that I've been using as a desk for the past few weeks, I'm still so excited to see them. I got some work done on my thesis this week, but not nearly as much as I wanted. So here I am, with a lot to do today, but still feeling so very thankful.

[One of my favorite little corners of the lake, taken May 2012.]

It's the little things that can keep you afloat sometimes.

+ iced coffee in a jar, in your own kitchen
+ being in that final stage of paper-writing
+ a family who will drive two hours to help you do hard manual labor
+ leaving a job and being told that you'll be missed + wished all the best
+ plans for a laid-back summer with plenty of time to be creative
+ an amazing girls' weekend at the lake in just two weeks

The right perspective can make the work it takes to get there worth it.