Long Weekend Thoughts + Currently

Happy Monday! Last week I ended up taking an unintentional break from the blog, which I always kind of hate. It was just one of those weeks--my mom left on Tuesday morning, which kind of threw me off my schedule (and gave me a case of the blues), then I was busy with cookbook stuff for a few days, I shot a new recipe I wanted to share here but didn't like the pictures enough to post them, and finally Rob's oldest brother and his family came to visit us for the weekend on Friday. We had such a great time with them, but I'm happy that today is a holiday so we can all take some time to regroup and get organized for several weeks of regular life. 

Since I was feeling a little uninspired on the blog front, I thought I'd ease back into it by sharing some other things that I've been up to lately. It's been months since my last Currently... post, so now seems like as good a time as any!

Thinking about spring and all the feelings I always feel when it comes around. I've been really homesick for Charlotte these last few weeks, and I think a lot of it is because it's been so beautiful here in the Bay Area. We had a ton of rain recently (and are in the middle of another wet spell right now), but for a few days last week it was sunny and warm and made me wish I was in my old neighborhood, walking to get coffee with a friend or teaching SkillPop classes again.

Listening to The Hamilton Mixtape. Can't get enough. We're seeing Hamilton this summer in San Francisco and I'm so excited about it.

Watching the new season of Girls. I forgot it started last week so Rob and I caught up last night and I was laughing so hard (also crying, whatever). It's one of my favorite shows and I can't believe this is the last season!

Reading lots of stuff, for the first time in a while. Joining a book club has been so great for me lately because I was really on a no-reading streak for a while and it was bothering me. Right now I'm reading White Teeth, and before that we did The Wangs vs. The World, Modern Lovers, and Mischling (affiliate links). All very different, but all written by women--that's kind of our thing. That, and frittatas.

Eating one of these fat bombs with a cup of tea every afternoon. 

Drinking Cherry Lime La Croix Curate like it's going out of style. It tastes like a Slurpee and I'm into it.

Looking forward to finally zeroing in on a functioning capsule wardrobe, seeing my second cookbook in print, going to Lake Tahoe with Rob and Ender at the beginning of March, and our third wedding anniversary in a couple months--can you believe it? I think we're going to go to Santa Barbara for a long weekend, so if you have any recommendations I'd love to hear them!

What are you currently thinking about, listening to, watching, reading, eating, drinking, and looking forward to? I'm sorry I've been so absent lately! I'm trying not to post just because I haven't posted in a few days; but I always love hearing from you, so let me know!

Photo by Oguz Uygur.