My 2021 Reading List

I have progressively gotten worse and worse about making time to read, and even though I love it, I know that biting off more than I can chew in terms of reading goals is only going to make me feel like I failed, so I decided to make a short list this year and try to commit to reading at least these six books. Some of them are practical and parenting-related, one is a book of poetry, one is a memoir, a classic novel, and then a bit of non-religious spirituality to round it all out.

  • What Kind of Woman: This collection of poems came out last year and it is one of the only books I’ve ever preordered. Once mine arrived, I immediately ordered more copies to give to friends. I can’t get enough of it, and it is going on my 2021 list because it has a semi-permanent spot not on my bookshelf, but on my bedside table. I’m constantly flipping through it and absolutely cannot get enough.

  • An Altar in the World: I started this book a while ago and then didn’t get super into it, but I want to finish it (or maybe even start over) this year. I absolutely love hearing from spiritual people who have left their churches (which is a journey I myself have taken) and found God in other, less structured ways and places.

  • Oh Crap: Potty Training: Definitely not the most fun book on this list, but it’s one of the few that I have already finished. I find the author of this book to be really rude and kind of intimidating, but the potty training method she uses worked really well for us. I always promised myself that potty training was one thing I would never write about on this blog, so I’ll leave it at that.

  • The Great Gatsby: One of my favorite classics, which I used to read pretty regularly. It felt like the start of the new ‘20s was a good reason to dust it off for another re-read, you know?

  • The Montessori Toddler: This book is not only super informative, but really beautiful to flip through. Sophie went to a Montessori preschool for a few months before the pandemic hit and it felt like such a good fit. I’m always trying to incorporate some Montessori principals into our own home and play.

  • Our Lady of Perpetual Hunger: I love a memoir, but a food memoir? Sign me up.

I’m sure I may pick up another book or two this year but I like having this short and very manageable list right now. I always feel so much better when I read (especially before bed instead of mindlessly scrolling on my phone). What are you reading this year?

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