My 5-Minute Makeup Routine

Working from home means that I really don't put a ton of makeup on during the week. Sometimes that can be really nice, but sometimes I miss getting dolled up on a regular basis. Because I hate washing off a face full of makeup after a day where I saw maybe one or two people and mostly just sat on my couch with Ender, I've mastered a really quick 5-minute makeup routine that I like to wear most days--it makes me happy whether I'm meeting someone for lunch, going to the dog park, or just planning to stay home and work-- either way, I don't have to commit to a full face. Plus, it's quick. 

The following "tutorial," if you will, includes all of my "must have" products--these are the ones I use all the time. If I'm going out or dressing up, I'll add a smokey eye or a cut crease with eyeshadow. I think I'd like to do more makeup posts this year, so let me know if you'd like to see any specific stuff!

  1. I've been using this tinted moisturizer (my shade is Finland) in place of foundation lately--it feels really great on, but I don't know if I'm obsessed with it. I like that it has sunscreen in it but I think I want something with a bit more coverage. If you have a foundation recommendation, I'd love to hear it!
  2. This concealer is really wonderful (I wear it in Custard, although I find that shade just a tad too yellow for me). After the tinted moisturizer, I put it under my eyes, on any blemishes, and then I dot it down my nose, cupid's bow, and right in the middle of my chin. I use a brush, but I have my eye on this blender.
  3. I've used this powder forever--I tap it all over my face after I blend the concealer.
  4. This bronzing powder is great because it's pretty matte--I sweep it under my cheekbones, along the ridges of my nose, and quickly underneath my chin and neck for some contouring. 
  5. I don't know why I go from contouring to eyes, but it's just how I do it. I am nothing if not consistent in my routines. This is the 5-minute version, so I skip eyeshadow and apply a generous portion of liquid eyeliner. Eye makeup is the one place I refuse to splurge, because I've found that drugstore brands do just as well, and I also use a lot of it. I have really huge eyes so I like to avoid cat eyes or winged liner--I like it starting about 1/3 of the way from the inner corners of my eye and drawn significantly thicker toward the outer corners.
  6. I curl my lashes with a simple curler like this one and apply mascara. I feel like I've tried them all, but I always end up back with this guy
  7. Back to my cheekbones--a little of this blush in Melba. I bought it for my wedding and haven't used anything else since.
  8. Finally, some highlighter along my upper cheekbones and down my nose, cupid's bow, and chin--basically over all the places I dotted concealer earlier. I've shared this one multiple times and probably won't shut up about it anytime soon--it's the best.
  9. I'm constantly forgetting to do my lips, so I slap some of this balm on them, usually on my way out the door. My friend Patrick and I bought these at a Black Friday Bath and Body Works sale a few years ago and he literally texted me a few days later asking "What did we do before we had our rose salve?" It's an important question, and one I still don't know the answer to.

What beauty products do you use every day?

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