Some Things I'm Into Right Now

  • Fleabag. I have been watching the same three shows pretty much on repeat forever, and Rob and I finally started a few new-to-us things recently and holy crap. This show was ridiculously good—I seriously can’t stop thinking about it. Honestly it’s one of the best things I’ve ever seen. (Next up is to continue with The Wire, which I started with Rob a long time ago but never really got into. We also recently finished Big Mouth which had us laughing so hard.)

  • CBD oil. I guess the theme of this post is “things I’ve been meaning to try and finally have,” because CBD has been on my radar for months but I just felt too intimidated and overwhelmed by all the information and options out there to really give it a try. Luckily I was introduced to Equilibria, which is a woman-run company that makes CBD totally accessible and user-friendly. I’m currently working on a bigger blog post where I go into my experience with CBD and answer some frequently asked questions, but if you’re interested in trying out CBD yourself, you can save 15% off your first order with my referral link (or you can use the code FRECKLEDITALIAN). If you have CBD questions, let me know and I’ll include them in the upcoming post! For the past month I have been using the capsules, daily drops, and relief cream and I really like all of it but especially love the daily drops (300 mg/30 ml)—I just ordered a second bottle and started a monthly subscription.

  • CrossFit. Barre has been my jam for years, but I really don’t get to take class as often as I’d like to. I had thought about returning to CrossFit here and there over the years, but on a whim at the end of July I joined the gym closest to my house and decided to start going 3-4 times a week, first thing in the morning. It has made such a difference and I go to bed most nights excited about my workout the next morning. I still get to take class at Pure Barre once or twice a week in between the classes that I teach.

  • Reading. Currently on my nightstand (affiliate links): You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me, The Whole Brain Child, and at least one book from the Harry Potter series. Next on my list: Over the Top by Jonathan Van Ness.

  • J is for Jicama. My brother, his girlfriend, Rob, and I randomly started this little project as a creative outlet and it has been so fun. I’ll share more about it later, but the main gist of it is that every week we share a new illustration (Jane is seriously so talented) from a virtual alphabet book we created—the first one is all junk food. A few people have inquired about purchasing prints of the artwork, so we’re actually looking into that now—hopefully we’ll have some options for people before the holiday season kicks off.

  • Not traveling—we have flown so much with Sophie over the past almost-two years and we have no plans to go anywhere at least until next year (at least not on a plane). We may go to Tahoe for a long weekend sometime this winter, but we’re home for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year and I couldn’t be happier to just get back into the swing of our everyday routine.

  • Fall weather. It has been so nice here lately. We are having a warm week right now but hopefully we’ll be back to cooler temps shortly. I love nothing more than cozying up with my sweet family on an autumn afternoon or weekend—soup! Tea! Blankets!

What have you guys been up to lately? What are you into right now?

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