
Feeling a bit more anxious than usual these days...I started drinking an afternoon cup of coffee for the first time in over a year and I think that could have something to do with it. Also just moving, unpacking, getting ready to do some traveling, and a few little personal things always throw my routine-loving self for an emotional loop. I'm proud of the work I've done when it comes to my anxiety--I know what triggers me and things I can do to get it under control (sounds simple but I wouldn't have been able to say the same thing a few years ago--thanks, therapy!).

Eating berries like they're going out of style.

Drinking Brew Dr. Kombucha--it might be my new favorite! I'm loving the jasmine/lavender/green tea one. So good on a hot afternoon.

Reading The Sun Also Rises and The Hunchback of Neiman Marcus (affiliate links)I never read anymore (seriously never, it's the worst), so Rob and I decided that we'd each read at least one book in August. I've read The Sun Also Rises more times than I can count but I love it so much. I picked up The Hunchback of Neiman Marcus at the library when I took Sophie the other day and I don't know if it's good or silly or stupid or anything yet--we'll see! Has anyone read it? It's not new and I've never even heard of it. Sometimes I just need to read something random.

Watching Modern Family--I've seen a lot of it but we're finally watching the later seasons. It makes me cry way more than it probably should.

Thinking about how fast Sophie is growing! She stands up and crawls so fast and is eating food like a champ and sometimes it's hard to believe that she's the same sleepy little baby we brought home almost nine months ago. Taking care of her and watching her grow is the coolest thing I've ever done.

Looking forward to my mom getting here on Friday! She'll be spending a few days with us and then she, Sophie, and I are flying to Virginia together and then Rob is going to meet us in Charlotte before we head up to Richmond for my 30th birthday. We hadn't planned to be back in Virginia until October but Rob surprised me with this trip and I'm so excited to see all my friends again so soon.

What are you up to currently? I want to know--especially if you have a book recommendation!