Some Things You May Not Know About Me v.13

I'm pretty bad at keeping a secret--if you tell me a secret I'll keep it for you, but if I buy you a gift or plan something as a surprise I'll almost always tell you about it before it happens because I get too excited about it.

We get In N Out for dinner every Sunday night and it's become one of my favorite family traditions. Rob goes to get it while I'm putting Sophie down and then we eat at the coffee table and watch whatever show it is we're currently binging (right now it's Modern Family). My order is a 3x2 protein style with grilled onions and chilis. I look forward to it every week.

I really, truly thought I had a gluten intolerance for years but then I got pregnant and ate a lot of bread. I probably eat gluten every other day now and I feel just fine--I have no idea what happened.

I want to get rid of 98% of my clothes and just start over. For the past few years I've been getting rid of stuff but I haven't been super great about replacing them, so now I have a bunch of stuff that's either super old or doesn't fit. I hate spending money on clothes but I think a pretty major shopping spree is in my future.

I'm way too emotionally invested in the rose bush we have in our backyard. I have literally killed an air plant so I am super excited that this bush, which had roses on it when we first came to see the house, bloomed again this spring. I know it has nothing to do with me but I just assumed it would die since I live here now.

I can't stop listening to Johnathan Van Ness' podcast. ANYONE ELSE?