What I’ve Been Up to Lately

We just got back from a long weekend in Northern Virginia to celebrate one of my brother-in-law’s wedding and it was so nice. Flying with Sophie is a bit of a challenge but I’m so glad we do it because I feel like we’ve gotten a lot better at it every time.

Today I’m home waiting for a dishwasher repair technician to show up (third time’s the charm, right?) and catching up on a few things so I thought I’d pop in with a quick post and a list to let you know what else I’ve been up to since I’ve been pretty absent on the blog lately: 

  • Keeping our house really clean, staying on top of laundry, and realizing just how much constant tidying and wiping and folding it actually requires. 
  • Learning new Pure Barre choreo for the classes I’m teaching this week. 
  • Going to bed so early every night, especially when we were out of town. 
  • Getting excited about my blog redesign and new logo/branding. 
  • Gearing up for a no-spend challenge, which we’ve never done before but I’ve always wanted to do. 
  • Signing up for a food photography course! 

What have you been up to lately? After a busy few weeks I’m so happy to be back!